You have big dreams, we have the tools to help you get there.

If you want to ...

Everything’s in front of you.

Your adventures. Your first experience buying a house. Welcome to adulting. Weve got your back.

If you want to pay off your student loans ...


Check out these savings options

  • Check to see if you could refinance your loan at a lower rate. 
  • If you decide to consolidate or refinance, choose the shortest term you can afford. Even though they often have comfortable payments, longer terms can end up costing you a lot more.
  • If you’ve got a steady income, consider making loan payments using auto pay, every two weeks. Over time, it will shorten your term and each payment is lower than your once-a-month number.
  • Paying off school loans is a good goal, but it is also important to have a savings, not only for unexpected events but for vacations and large purchases.
Check out our Savings plan

If you don’t want to pay fees ...


Educate yourself

  • Don’t take your account for granted. Review the features of your accounts at least once a year. If you want to see if there’s a better choice, compare Bank Midwest accounts.
  • Fees are usually related to balances. Consider putting more money in one account rather than having a lot of small deposits in various payment apps.
Check out our Checking plans

If you want to save for a vacation or a new car ...


Try this helpful tip

Turn habit into “have it!” Make a list of small ways you can save (packing a lunch, selling things you no longer use) and make saving really goal-focused. Use any windfall money to help you reach your target, and share your goal with friends and family so they can be supportive.

Start with this account

Time to get insurance.** Welcome to adulting.


Get a quote today

Complete the short online form for the coverage you’re looking for.

Start my free quote

**Insurance products are not deposits, not FDIC insured, not insured by any federal government agency, and not guaranteed by the bank.

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we will be there.

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The tools to get you where you need to go.

Whether you want to see how your savings can grow over time
or need to budget for your next big purchase, we can help.

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